
Taunton Welcomes Refugees is primarily funded by generous donations from people like you. Although we try to keep our expenses as low as possible, Some of our costs are unavoidable and we rely on donations to meet these.

 What  Your Money Can Do

TWR primarily supports refugees through its volunteers who bring friendship and local knowledge. But the financial situation for refugees, as for many British families on low incomes, can be tight. As our volunteers work closely with families, groups and individuals, we are in a good position to identify occasions where a small amount of support can provide a large benefit. TWR has a fund that it can use to respond to such situations and offer small financial assistance. We can also pay for public transport for families located in Wellington or Bridgwater who are attending TWR events in Taunton.

Our friends at the West Somerset Refugee Support Group generously offer holidays in Minehead for refugee families. TWR is keen to support them in doing this and we also hope to be able to offer breaks to our supported refugees in the near future.  To be able to do all this we need financial support from people like you.

Additionally if you have any household items that are in good condition that you no longer need, TWR can offer them to refugees; if they would be useful, TWR will usually arrange to collect and deliver them.

Even though TWR is primarily a volunteer organisation, it does have expenses.

  • TWR employs a part-time administrator  to coordinate the work of the volunteers. This is our major expense.
  • Our volunteers are trained over several weekend sessions which require the hire of a suitable venue.
  • We provide DBS clearance and insurance for our volunteers so all parties can focus on our key activities.
  • We maintain this website.
  • Occasionally we need to use skilled translators and interpreters to ensure that refugees fully understand a situation.

TWR meets these costs entirely through charitable donations. If you are able to support us then we would be very grateful. If you are a UK income tax payer then we can increase any personal donations by 25% if you complete a Gift Aid form. We accept donations in the following ways:

  • Donate via PayPal using the link on this page.
  • Transfer money directly via BACS: Account Name: “Taunton Welcomes”
    Sort Code: 08-92-99
    Account: 67266722.
  • Send a cheque (payable to ‘Taunton Welcomes Refugees’) to “TWR Treasurer, 1 Amor Place, TA1 4SG”.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss how we could use your donation.

Fund Raising

TWR has done some fund raising such as the sale of Christmas Cards. But we are always open to suggestions of other ways that we can supplement our income.

To donate via PayPal click in the icon below. You can use this facility even if you don’t have a PayPal account.


In addition to the charitable donations, TWR has been awarded various grants over the years and we are pleased to gratefully acknowledge this support from the following organisations: