Call us:

  • Volunteer coordinator: 07879 491276
  • Adminstrator (Louise): 07572 440479  – Please note that this number is not always available. But if you leave a message then we will return your call.

 Ukraine Crisis:

For other matters then please use the addresses below.

We welcome donations and accept many forms of payment. But if you would like to donate using a cheque then please make it payable to “Taunton Welcomes Refugees” and send it to “TWR Treasurer, 1 Amor Place, Taunton, TA1 4SG”.

If you need to mail us then the Quakers have kindly agreed to receive our post, so please send it to:
Taunton Welcomes Refugees
C/O Quaker Meeting House
13 Bath Place
Taunton, TA1 4EP