Taunton Welcomes Refugees deals every day with vulnerable people who have suffered enough already. We understand the importance of ensuring that our interactions are positive experiences for everyone. So, we have a set of policies that direct our decisions and actions to assist in the everyday running of the charity. These are included as an element of the Handbook that is reviewed with volunteers as part of their initial training. The full handbook is available from this page.
- Handbook 0. Contents Page
- Handbook 1. Mission Statement
- Handbook 2. Recruitment
- Handbook 3a. Supporting Families or Indviduals
- Handbook 3b. Supporting Asylum Seekers
- Handbook 4a. Confidentiality Policy
- Handbook 4b. Safeguarding Policy
- Handbook 4c. Lone Working Policy
- Handbook 4d. Health and Safety Policy
- Handbook 4e. Data Protection Policy
- Handbook 4f. Child Protection Policy
- Handbook 4g. TWR Incident Report
- Handbook 4h. Trauma Informed Practice
- Handbook 4i. Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy
- Handbook 4j. Resolving Issues and Protcols for Termination of Volunteer Agreement
- Handbook 4k. Whistleblowing Policy
- Handbook 5a-f. Other Information
- Handbook 5e. Certificate of Employers’ Liability Insurance
- Handbook 5f. Constitution